Vasil Levski Primary School – Village of Rogosh, Maritsa Municipality

Age of students: 7-14 years

Students – 275

Teachers – 26 full-time positions in 2021

School building has 4 floors

Classrooms – 18

STEM centres – 2

Corridors – 7

Staircase to corridor – 5

Passageway to corridor – 1

Playroom – 1

Teacher’s room – 1

Canteen – 1

Sports hall – 1

Headmaster’s office – 2

Pedagogical adviser’s office -1

Project theme

“Beauty will save the world”

The school before the project

Inspiration for the interior design

Beauty has different manifestations. On the one hand it is the external expression of perfection and on the other hand it leads to the moral side – the beauty of personality. The main mission of the school is to create ‘beautiful’ personalities using all means available. This project will focus on exquisite pictures, positive messages, space planning and creating reading corners. It will help children develop a keen sense of aesthetics, thus encouraging faith in their own abilities and reading skills. Children will be able to use information technology for self-improvement, gaining knowledge, experience, and personal development.

Project Description


Photo wallpapers depending on the floor theme. Rest and relaxation areas for students with tables, chairs, sofas, and benches. Flower and herb gardens, shelves with favourite books and magazines.


Pictures, messages, and teaching materials depending on subject studied, age group of the children and floor theme.


First Floor

“Fairy tale without ending”

Imagination has no limits, and school is one big fairy tale without ending. It can reveal an extremely colourful, exciting, and vast world, when it provokes children’s curiosity and inquisitiveness. That is why we call the first floor ‘a fairy tale without ending’. This is where year 1 & 2 children study. Our goal is to make them feel like they are in a fairy tale they created themselves. We’d like to make an easy transition from pre-school to school, make them feel safe and come to school with enthusiasm and interest. We decided to put friezes in the corridors with images of children’s favourite stories and positive messages. Photo wallpapers in the classrooms have the same theme.

Second floor


When good things happen, it’s magic! It’s beautiful, it’s a dream come true! This is something unknown that cannot be explained. It turns an ordinary day into an extraordinary one. ‘Magic’ is not just waiving a magic wand! It’s a magical feeling, fantasy, and fun. Children in year 3 and 4 have already discovered the fairy-tale characters, the magic of reading and the doors books open. Our goal is for our school to fascinate and captivate children, so we decided to use friezes with fairy-tale characters in the corridors. Classrooms have photo wallpapers with the same theme.


Ground floor


Grace is a magnificent quality that we want our students to develop. If everyone could dedicate time to create exquisite structures, the world would be a different place. We chose to put friezes in the corridors with pictures of exquisite flowers and positive messages. Photo wallpapers in classrooms are based on the subject taught. The ground floor houses the classrooms where children study Technology and Fine Arts, Chemistry and Biology, Games, and Interactive Technologies. Children make exquisite objects in their Arts classes and develop different skills in the field of Natural Sciences, and Interactive Technologies.

First floor


It’s not just the youngest students who are pure-hearted and gentle as flowers.  If they see beauty, support, and positive environment, they will be the same children as they go to secondary school. We strive to develop tenderness as a quality to combat aggression in relationships. We decided to put friezes in the corridors with pictures of flowers and positive messages, and different photo wallpapers in each classroom. Photos in the corridors have the theme ‘Tenderness’ but are different for the two buildings (Primary School and Secondary School). They are tailored to the age difference. The two buildings are connected via a covered walkway.

Second floor

Fairy-tale world

Fairy-tale world – a world of beauty and magic as in a fairy tale! That is how we’d like this floor to look like for our students – magnificent, amazing, lovely, unspoken, delightful, magical, fantastic, extraordinary, mysterious, quirky & stimulating their imagination. Reading fairy tales reveals this amazing world. We want to teach older students how to develop reading and learning skills without which they could not be successful. Our goal is to provoke children’s interest in books and the ‘wonders’ of reading.  We decided to use friezes in the lobbies with messages about reading books. Classrooms have photo wallpapers, the theme being the subject taught. They’re all about the vast world of books in all its forms, educational information, and fairy-tale characters. Children study in the two buildings of the Primary and the Secondary school.  The Teacher’s room is in the primary school building, and the Headmaster’s Office is in the secondary school building. All foreign languages classrooms are on the second floor of the secondary school building.

Third floor 


The STEM Centre is located on this floor. It’s no longer just Art that creates the meaning of reality and illusion New technologies create a subtle metamorphosis, becoming more and more noticeable in our lives. Sometimes virtual reality feels so real and interesting. With the help of augmented and virtual reality, teachers and students are not limited to the space offered by classrooms.  Digital skills are extremely important in the modern world, so we develop them in our students. They will be able to take advantage of opportunities offered by technology, without leaving the classroom. We chose to put friezes in the corridors with photos and messages related to Information Technology. Classrooms have the same themed photo wallpapers. Children’s age is 10 to 14.

Children and flowers

Creating special areas with air-purifying plants and herbs in classrooms: The aim is to enrich the air with oxygen and healing scents to help clean indoor air by producing more oxygen and releasing healing scents, so children would be healthier, and improve their performance and focus.

Teacher’s’ opinion on the project