V. Samuilovo, Primary School “Hristo Botev”

Project Description:

Age of pupils – 7-14 years

Number of pupils – 290

Number of teachers – 33

The school is located in two buildings:

Small building 

Classrooms – 3

Corridors – 1

Lobbies – 1 

Main building – 2 floors

I floor:

Computer rooms – 6

Resource rooms – 2

Corridors – 1

   II floor:

Classrooms – 5

Computer halls – 1

Corridors – 1

Topic of the Project

“I love my school”

Inspiration of the project: 

“School beloved, you are a second home to me!
Hello, school! I call you beloved,
My second home, hello!
I return to you because I love you,
The school bell in me shall forever glow!
The smiling Sun looks from the sky so high,
Sending a beam of light, oh so bright,
It gently kisses my nose nearby,
And waves goodbye with all its might.
The teacher greets me at the threshold,
Bestows upon me enormous warmth,
In this moment, the anthem resounds,
And a rainbow appears in the sky!
Oh, how much I love you,
Beloved school, my second home!
With free will, here I’ll run again,
I’ll sing with a lively tone.
In the textbooks, letters will leap,
And numbers will play the trumpet,
They know how to enchant me,
To communicate with them, I will get!
I love you, school so wonderful!
My second home, you forever shall be!
Your guidance in the future is clear to me,
I’ll follow along with my dreams, you see!

Radostina Ivanova

The school before the project

Project Description

The appearance of our school with traditions has been completely transformed thanks to the new interior design. It has become a modern and beautiful place where students take bold steps on the path of knowledge. Mathematical formulas, letters, and fairytale characters come to life in every classroom. The children now feel the school as their second home!

“Children are the living flowers of the planet” – Maxim Gorky.

The children are smiling! They gift us with warmth and love. The magnificent wall murals completely transform the interior and bring more mood and emotions, both among the students and their teachers. Together, we all joined forces to make our school look so beautiful! The change has had a positive impact on the educational process. Every moment for the children is enchanting and lived through the images from the wall murals. This is a good start for the personal growth of the students, motivating them to acquire knowledge, skills, and develop an aesthetic sense!                                                                                                                                                          

New building – ”Explorers”

Everyone follows their own path, but no one knows where it leads!
Our little explorers have the opportunity to be inspired every day and change their worldview. This allows them to engage in new adventures and choose their own path. They dive into the unknown, and their curiosity leads them to unfamiliar adventures.
The new look of the school helps them feel the change and realize that they are true explorers who see the world in a different and colorful way. The hallways and classrooms draw paths to a magical wonderland that comes to life in the children’s imagination.
Through the theme “Explorers,” we aim to encourage them to travel and seek adventures, realizing the secrets that the world around them holds. This way, they will become true conquerors, understanding that life is one big adventure!
“To travel is to live” – Hans Christian Andersen.

Main building – first floor

”The Magic of Spring”

Through the magic of spring, a sense of new beginnings, strength, inspiration, and optimism creeps into our hearts.
The corridors of our school are filled with the spirit of spring. Beautiful butterflies flutter around the flowers. The sun smiles down from the sky and caresses the children with its gentle rays. A colorful swallow spreads its wings in joy. Everything is so vibrant, pure, and magical…                                     

Main building – second floor

         ”Discover the World in order to Love It” 

The world, seen through the eyes of children, is more beautiful, filled with hope and wonder! Life is a continuous journey that leads us to explore the world around us and ourselves. By discovering the world, children gain knowledge and develop their intellect!
That’s why we focused on wallpapers featuring various landmarks so that students can immerse themselves in specific themes from different fields of human knowledge – history, mathematics, literature. The natural beauty depicted in the wallpapers allows us to reach the farthest corners, see the most amazing views, and enrich our spirit and awareness with as many beautiful places in the world as possible.

Children and Flowers

Creating special corners with flower “cleaners” and herbs in the classroom in the school. The aim is to enrich the air with oxygen and healing aromas. For our children to be healthy and have a quick mind, it is necessary to have clean air in the classroom, saturated with oxygen and fresh fragrances.

Plant a tree – restore the balance in nature

Trees play an important role in preserving life on earth. The more trees and forests there are – the smaller the percentage of global warming, because they extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and reduce the greenhouse effect. Their roots significantly reduce the risk of flooding by improving the absorption of rainwater.

For every child in our kindergarten – we plant a tree!

V. Samuilovo, Primary School “Hristo Botev”