“St. St. Cyril and Methodius” Primary School, Yambol

Students’s age – 6 – 11 yrs.

Number of students – 337

Number of teachers – 32

The school is located in two buildings on 3 floors:

Small building – 1

Large building – 1

Classrooms – 17

Corridors – 3

Foyers – 3

Canteen – 1

Sports hаlls – 2

Computer cabin – 1

Topic of the Project

“I Love my School”

I make my dreams come true”

The school before the project

Inspiration for the interior design

Our children’s desires, dreams and expectations are the inspiration. Through the images we have chosen, we symbolically focus on the magic and freedom of childhood. On the first floor we are welcomed by the fairy-tale characters Peter Pan, The Little Prince, Elves, unicorns, a fairytale magical forest. They symbolise children’s innocence and a natural desire to fly the imagination. These beloved fairy-tale characters empower our little pupils, show them that the world is full of miracles and secrets that we need to uncover. You need a little magic and ethereality, because in order to make your dreams come true, you must first believe in miracles, then believe in yourself. The colours we have chosen are gentle, airy and radiant. The idea that unites us in realising the project “I love my school” with the subtheme “I make my dreams come true” is also the main idea and priority of St. St. Cyril and Methodius Primary School, Yambol, namely to prepare our children for real life. They can grow up to be complete and good people who have competences and find their place in the diversity of the world. They can be brave and self-assertive people with a vibrant civic position. But now… it is a time for dreams and magic in school. What greater inspiration than to dream and make your dreams come true?!?

Project Description

Children need an emotional and influential environment to be happy, to come to school with desire, to develop their creative talents, to dream, to make their dreams come true. That is why we made the atmosphere in the lobbies, corridors and classrooms inspiring, relaxed and energising. Four years ago, our school moved to a new building. The time has come to make the interior space more beautiful and inspiring for both our talented pupils and our teachers. Pupils feel the school is their desired and loved second home. Magic is a constant companion of young pupils. Their imagination very often transports them to a magical world of beauty and harmony, a world in which kindness in people triumphs. It is important to create a sunny, colourful and positive learning environment for our pupils and teachers where pupils can unleash their creative potential, stimulate their research spirit and thirst for knowledge, dream, immerse themselves in the magic, grow inspired, creative and happy. Dreams, magic and ethereality are the themes that reveal our purpose and our mission. We want our pupils to be inspired, to dream boldly, to fly on the wings of their dreams and knowledge, to believe in themselves and to become successful and capable young people.

First floor


Ours souls need to be filled with colour and beauty, to dream boldly and make our dreams come true! If we can choose one thing from childhood and preserve it over time, let it be a value that we will pass on to those after us. It is quite simple – let’s not stop dreaming! It’s brave, boundless and illogical! The first floor welcomes us like a serene and inspiring dream. A smile with which our children enter school every morning to embark on the adventures of their dreams. Sunny yellow and soothing green prevail – the colours of nature. A ladybird – a symbol of good luck – greets us after the first few steps forward and up.

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Dreams are one of those things that come much easier to children than to the grown-up versions of them. The dozen reasons why most adults don’t become astronauts are perfectly valid, logical, and boring. However, the interesting thing is that before they became decent accountants, engineers and businessmen, at least half of them wanted exactly that – to conquer the Cosmos. Much has been said and written about dreams and there always seems to be more to add. The subject has excited and inspired great minds and not one or two great quotations fly through the centuries to tell us and remind us about the importance of dreams. But perhaps best of all, they’re for everyone – enlightened or ignorant, good or bad, from the oldest to the youngest – everyone has eyes for their beauty, everyone can feel their spark and power.

Second floor


“Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” Roald Dahl

Magic gives birth to drive and desire for progress! Living in reality and believing in magic seems to be contradictory. In fact, the two complement each other and are incomplete if one is missing. The most incredible things happen to those who dare to believe in the impossible. Understand the words. Work with them to create beauty and harmony. This is what we want to teach our children – words have an incredible power – they can inspire. Our second floor is so magical with its gentle and warm shades of soft pink and warm coral that you want to dive into a new, different world – the world of magic. Once upon a time… This is how a fairy tale begins. It tells of a place across nine mountains, in the tenth one and a time – once upon a time, a long time ago. It tells us about unseen worlds and exciting adventures, extraordinary characters and enchanted kingdoms. “Once upon a time” … is about magic, wizards and alchemy, about the philosopher’s stone and the elixir of life. And once you immerse yourself in the fairy tale, you live a thousand lives at once. But are all fairy tales really fictions created for the usual purpose of distracting? Magic – is it a delusion, an illusion, a deception? Of course not! Turning lead into gold is not at all impossible – we just need to use the right spell.

Third floor


Ethereality is freedom and immensity, a gentle, transparent veil, finer than air, covering the Earth and the entire Universe. The renewed interior environment fills our senses and makes us want to fly on the wings of our imagination. We become light and airy, filled with longing for freedom. Back in time, ancient philosophers knew of a substance lighter than air, with inexhaustible energy, elusive, unfathomable and omnipresent. They called it Ether. Equal in all directions, the energy was described as the thinnest, purest and most transparent layer of existence; the air breathed by the gods. Over time, it became known under other names – the Divine particle, the Fifth element, Chi energy. In essence, however, it remained the same – energy that can neither be destroyed nor created; a substance finer than air filling space. The third floor is a place of excellence, a place of growth, of fulfilment.

Children and Flowers

Creating special corners with flower “cleaners” and herbs in the classroom in the school. The aim is to enrich the air with oxygen and healing aromas. For our children to be healthy and have a quick mind, it is necessary to have clean air in the classroom, saturated with oxygen and fresh fragrances.

Diana Dragneva – Principal

“St. St. Cyril and Methodius” Primary School, Yambol