Kindergarten ,,Children’s Paradise”, Velingrad

Project Description:

Children’s age – 2-7 years

Number of children – 87

Number of teachers – 6

The kindergarten is located in a building with 2 floors:

Large building –1

Classrooms –3

Corridors – 3

Lobbies – 3

Gyms – 1

Project theme:

“Wonders are All around Us!”

The Kindergarten before the project

Inspiration for the interior design

In our kindergarten, wonders are all around us! The harmony of colors and inspiring fairy-tale wallpapers completes the overall look of the garden. The environment created for the children is calm, cheerful, and above all, positively charged. The images are playful, motivating, and inspiring for every group. This way, we all together have created a real ‘Children’s Paradise,’ just as the name of our beloved garden suggests.

First floor

“Together We Can Achieve More”

When children are together, they learn from each other, help one another, and achieve more together. The new interior environment inspires them to express themselves, communicate, and interact because together we can achieve more! In every activity, the child acquires knowledge and concepts, sets goals, envisions expected results, perceives and evaluates, manages and regulates their activity.

Group ,,Star” 

Little mischievous stars,

each night they shine above us.

They delight us with their pure light

and illuminate us in this late hour.

Just like children’s smiles…

Kind, pure, and good!

Group “Sunshine”

The sun shines high above,

smiling at our children,

and with their big deeds,

they warm our hearts!

Second Floor

“Magical Childhood”

In childhood, everything is real and magical! Through our innovative learning environment, children feel comfortable with us because they live in the magical world of fairy tales! We support their childhood by raising them in a natural and engaging way, using images to activate their perceptions, emotions, and behavior. We focus on the intellectual, psycho-social, and emotional development of children.

Group “Imps”  

Imps, mischievous and playful,

Small and cheerful, in their own way.

In their strength and in their might,

Freedom hides, out of sight.

Continue to be as you are, and gift us with your smiles!

Group “Little Bee”

The little bees are industrious,

Collecting honey from beautiful flowers,

For our dear little ones,

To keep them healthy and happy!

Children and Flowers

Creating special corners with flower “cleaners” and herbs in the classroom in the school. The aim is to enrich the air with oxygen and healing aromas. For our children to be healthy and have a quick mind, it is necessary to have clean air in the classroom, saturated with oxygen and fresh fragrances.

Plant a tree – restore the balance in nature

Trees play an important role in preserving life on earth. The more trees and forests there are – the smaller the percentage of global warming, because they extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and reduce the greenhouse effect. Their roots significantly reduce the risk of flooding by improving the absorption of rainwater.

For every child in our kindergarten – we plant a tree!