“Dyado Ivan Arabadzhiyata” Primary School, Village of Tsaratsovo

Students’s age – 7-13 yrs.

Number of students – 79

Number of teachers – 15

The school is located in one building on 2 floors:

Classrooms – 12

Corridors – 2

Foyers – 6

Canteen – 1

Sports hаlls – 2

Computer cabin – 1

Topic of the Project

“I Love my School”

The school before the project

Inspiration for the interior design

All of us, teachers and parents, are proud and happy to embody, learn and build humane qualities in our pupils in an environment that is favourable and fruitful for upbringing and education, for building talents and creative expressions, for provoking the most aesthetic and moral features of the child’s mind. The work on the project provided us with a complete and constructive process of uniting the team, purposeful striving to build the personal self-awareness of the child, to awaken inspiration and talent for new methods of work in each school subject. Motivated teachers build proud, compassionate and capable pupils. When a person works in a pleasant, emotional and warm environment, then every process is complete, a person acquires a desire to gain experience and knowledge, builds impressions, and develops potential. The joint work and efforts on the project had their beneficial impact on the human relations between teachers, parents, pupils. Looking forward to a common goal, we are all today more united, more complete, more confident in our skills. When you work to create something yourself, you know its high value, you are more inclined to protect and improve it, you appreciate its meaning. By working with you for this cause – for prosperity and harmony in the educational system, we have become more valuable and confident in ourselves, our children – in happier young people who know how to appreciate joint work and productivity. That is why today we thank you from the bottom of our hearts not only for the help received in working on your project, but also for the fact that you have taught us something, that together we can do wonders, that work always pays off, and that mutual efforts, albeit with little money, can transform the world.

Project Description

The project “I love my school” inspired a creative zeal in pupils, parents and teachers. With aesthetic flair and artistic perceptions, themes and ideas, and motifs were selected for each classroom, depending on the subject taught. The messages, as well as the appropriate colours and shades, teach humanity and high public morality. Through the created welcoming and positive environment for both learning activity and recreation, pupils, teachers and parents turned the school into a pleasant, fruitful and inspiring environment – an institution that not only teaches and educates, but also generates great ideas and plans for the pupils.

‘’The great art to learn much is to undertake a little at a time’’. John Locke

Ground floor


What’s a dream? This is a built spiritual world of its own, where life is magical, beautiful and fulfilling. It is a world of unlimited possibilities in which every person sometimes lives. We want to stay there for a long time, because everything is as we imagine it; everything happens according to our rules and desires. This is the ideal – perfection and meaning. We acquire the ability to dream at an early age. This is the period when our perceptions of the world develop to the highest degree. Considering the fragile child’s mind, through the broken prism of children’s dreaminess, life is perfect and provides the most incredible opportunities. Very often we, adults, forget that children want to see smiles and spaces, suns, flowers and light. We impose duties and responsibilities on them, but we do not dream with them, we do not share their aspirations, we do not understand their needs. Every child is a unique artist and dreamer. To the highest extent, children have the opportunity to dream and the aspiration to make their dreams come true. We must not hinder their desire to build their own world in the way they wish, guided by a practical and pragmatic direction of life. We must encourage, provoke and dream together with our children, because the path of great deeds that have been accomplished begins with a dream. There is no stronger motivation for a good, bright and beautiful deed than the human dream. It has the power to inspire, transform and make everything around us beautiful. We teach our children a lot of skills and knowledge about life. But we can also learn from them the important lesson of life not to lose the ability to dream. Dream to be complete in your deeds! Dream to be happy! Dream to be inspired! Be happy to achieve your dreams!

First floor


Human consciousness is designed in such a way that it is constantly looking for the new, the interesting – the challenge. Being an explorer means to fall into an endless world of unlimited possibilities and prospects, to be brave, to build upon, to seek and pass on knowledge and experience to others. Research abilities are acquired through hard and constant work, striving and incorporating new information into our existing knowledge. The world is a magical time machine that can take us to interesting and unknown worlds to explore all the time. Knowledge is an infinite opportunity to rejoice, to know, to love, to contribute to the creation of something great, something beautiful, something worthwhile. Deep in his essence, every person is an explorer but this feature is the strongest in the child’s mind. The child’s instinct to know, learn, seek and explore makes him that little genius who discovers and transforms worlds, creates his own opportunities for life in a better, more beautiful and welcoming world, refracted through the prism of the child’s worldview, because he is pure, untarnished, innocent and guided only by bright ideals. Being an explorer is learning through your life experience. It will not always be significant, successful or happy, but it will be your useful experience: one that will teach you a lesson through which you will gain knowledge to successfully cope with further challenges. When a child has the desire and the opportunity to explore, it is infinitely happy and complete, because one learns best through the experience to touch, create and express oneself. Let us trust children more, let us not limit them when they want to explore the world, let us allow them to get involved in more initiatives, so they can feel important and useful to society. Thus, they create skills that shape them as successful future personalities that will leave a positive imprint in life. For there is no more beautiful creation than that which is touched by a child’s soul. Encourage their experience to create, dream and change, because each one of us has always been an explorer at some stage in our lives.

Second floor


To live in a clean, beautiful, pleasant place, to create, surrounded by harmony and colours, to feel every overflowing shade of colour magic in our souls – this is what we would call an incentive for promising work, training and creative zeal. Ecology is a natural balance. It is associated not only with the protection of the environment from pollution, not only with the main pressing problems of purification and preservation. It is not only an enrichment of the natural, it is something much more – it is a feeling of possession, of something dear to us, of something sacred, which is worth cherishing, preserving and passing on in its purest and most beautiful form throughout the generations. Every space we find ourselves in evokes a certain feeling: of joy and harmony, of beauty and diversity, of boredom and monotony, and so on. Going somewhere, a person synchronises with the mood that this particular space brings, and staying there longer, he even begins to merge with it, seize and acquire its characteristic features. Let’s not turn into grey, sad, boring and monotonous people! Let us seek and create a more pleasant world to live in, because there’s only one life and it’s our choice how we live it. Let us turn the places dear to us, where we stay for a long time, into beautiful, radiant and magical sources of inspiration, into exquisite natural places that will revive every virtue in us! Let us live harmoniously, worthily, happily! Let us create beauty with hearts and soul, because it affects our own wellbeing of soul, mind and body. In whatever environment you live – you create similar results in your life. Create harmony and beauty! Revive grace and elegance in everything you touch! Be a productive champion of a new, beautiful and better world to live in!

Children and Flowers

Creating special corners with flower “cleaners” and herbs in the classroom in the school. The aim is to enrich the air with oxygen and healing aromas. For our children to be healthy and have a quick mind, it is necessary to have clean air in the classroom, saturated with oxygen and fresh fragrances.

Ivanka Yankova – Principal

“Dyado Ivan Arabadzhiyata” Primary School, Village of Tsaratsovo