“First of June” Kindergarten, Blagoevgrad

Project Description:

Children’s age – 1 year 8 m. – 7 years

Number of children – 238

Number of teachers – 16

Music teacher – 1

Resource teacher – 1

Psychologist – 1

Speech therapist – 2

The kindergarten is located in two buildings on 3 floors:

Main building:

After school classrooms – 6

Wardrobes – 6

Bedrooms – 6

Lobbies – 1

Subject rooms – 6

Branch building:

After school classrooms – 6

Wardrobes – 6

Bedrooms – 6

Lobbies – 3

Sports hall – 1

Subject rooms – 10

Project theme:

“I love my Kindergarten”

The Kindergarten before the project

Inspiration for the interior design

A well-organised and aesthetic learning environment stimulates the upbringing and receptivity of children. It has a huge impact on their behaviour and development. It stimulates their imagination and creative potential!
Pre-school “First of June”, Blagoevgrad is a Pre-school with traditions. It was established in 1979. Over the years, many children have been educated and brought up here. Many pedagogical specialists and other staff have walked their work path through it. Despite the efforts of teachers and parents, time has left its mark. Today, the employees of the Pre-school are determined to improve the quality of the educational process.
We found our partners and followers in the LightSource team, who could help us achieve our goal. We are aware that a well-organised environment stimulates good behaviour in children. The environment has a huge impact on people’s decisions. The environment in which children grow up has a huge impact on their development. If from a young age they are surrounded by beautiful things, if the place where they grow up stimulates their imagination, it is easier to develop the creative potential in each child.
Our task is to organise the environment so that every child feels protected, confident and relaxed. We strongly want our children to love to come to their favourite Pre-school. We want children to feel at ease. We want the design of the space to stimulate their creativity by providing them with different opportunities for interaction.

Main Building

First floor

Winnie the Pooh Group
Winnie the Pooh and his loyal friends are some of our children’s favourite characters!
How do you write love? Piglet asked.
You can’t write it, you can feel it, Pooh replied.
This is how we teach children to draw, dance, sing and have fun – with love!

Redwings Mushrooms Group
Children grow up like mushrooms – quickly and imperceptibly. Among the magnificent wallpaper with mushrooms, they quickly learn, experiment, without fear and worries.
That is why they need to be happy and feel at ease in the environment in which they grow up. Children need to be taught how to think, look for solutions and finish what they started.

Second Floor

Kids Group
Every day the little “kids” gather to create through play a much more beautiful and meaningful world. Laughter, smiles and countless other emotions fill the everyday life of the kids.

Little Stars Group
The little “stars” shine with their thoughts, good deeds and knowledge. They share their impressions and achievements. It is difficult to fit into the world of adults who forget that they were children too.

Third floor

The Merry Ducklings Group
Like cheerful ducklings, children have fun, dream, grow, fantasise and develop their talents. All cheerful experiences and adventures are unique.

Tick-tock Group
Time passes faster “tick-tock, tick-tock” in friendly games, listening to favourite fairy tales and joint activities.

Branch building:

First floor

Sun Group
These are happiest children in our Pre-school. Their smiles shine, bring joy and hope.

Balloons Group
Our children fly on the wings of wind. They fly like colourful balloons. They grow up happy, smiling and free, and make the world beautiful.

Second Floor

The Merry Butterflies Group
Our children play with the wind, like butterflies. They are curious, they seek and explore the beautiful Earth.

Flowers Group
Flowers make the world beautiful. They make it colourful, gentle and not boring. The flowers have created a carnival of colours, colouring various small flowers. The kids in the Flowers group love to explore the colourful world, encouraged by the magic of colours.

Children and Flowers

Creating special corners with flower “cleaners” and herbs in the classroom in the school. The aim is to enrich the air with oxygen and healing aromas. For our children to be healthy and have a quick mind, it is necessary to have clean air in the classroom, saturated with oxygen and fresh fragrances.

Plant a tree – restore the balance in nature

Trees play an important role in preserving life on earth. The more trees and forests there are – the smaller the percentage of global warming, because they extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and reduce the greenhouse effect. Their roots significantly reduce the risk of flooding by improving the absorption of rainwater.

For every child in our kindergarten – we plant a tree!