A school must have many colours

A school must have many colours. This is not only because of the students but also because of the teachers. It must charge you with positive energy and emotions, it must make you love it and feel like you want to be in it.

When a year and a half ago they asked me what colour I want my biology cabinet to be, I was one of the happiest teachers in the school. I chose pink – and I think pink suits me and my other two young colleagues (with whom I share this already beautiful room) perfectly. 

Pink is a positive color, filled with warmth and peace, it creates the feeling that everything will be ok. It is believed that pink is a combination of the energy of the red colour and the tranquility of the white. In color psychology, pink brings hope. Pink soothes, removes anger, aggression, and the feeling of loneliness. It worked perfectly for us.

When we were asked to choose an image for our photo wallpaper we decided “What’s more beautiful than an Oryx – a symbol of endurance, hunted to the brink of extinction, which teaches us that if we do not protect nature, many of today’s species may disappear.

Learning in this atmosphere is much more harmonious, relaxed and inspiring.

We are all feeling great – students and teachers!

Our new school vision inspires students to achieve more success and motivates them to follow their dreams! Is there a more beautiful thing!?

Teachers enjoy the harmonious and relaxing learning environment!

The feeling is completely different!

Thank you!

Iva Assenova – teacher of biology and technology director of 51 Elisaveta Bagryana High School, Sofia.

New vision

May we all learn beautiful Maths with love and inspiration!

My name is Mimi Frateva and I have been teaching Maths for 25 years. I am happy to teach at 51st Elissaveta Bagryana School in Sofia as this school supports and encourages an innovative approach to teaching.

I was pleasantly surprised by the unique photo wallpaper designed by LightSource to create a more comfortable, positive and colourful school environment. I am proud of the fact that 51st School is taking part in the Project ‘I Love My School’ because little attention is paid to the harmonious and balanced interior design in schools.

Environment is vital for our health, wellbeing and emotions, hence my decision to combine teaching and schooling environment in a new and different classroom showing the image of a Dandelion.

Colours and shapes have a positive effect and change on students’ and teachers’ psychological and physical health. The colour I chose to paint the room is light pink. This is the colour of boundless love and exquisiteness. It is a colour of serenity, balance and softness. Pink colour inspires purity, cleanliness and freshness associated with peace and comfort.

The wallpaper in my room is an image of a Dandelion – the flower of metamorphosis, transformation and cyclicity, all being part of our lives. I chose the flower in its white and delicate life cycle, as it symbolises abundance, fulfilment of dreams and wishes, and parting with the past. I chose the Dandelion – a symbol of love in the world! It seems to ‘speak’ without words, as if whispering ‘Be generous to others without wasting all your resources … Create your own unique path … Leave a trail … Do it from the heart, in the name of love’.

Dandelions and the entire Universe are governed by the Golden Section or better known as the Golden Ratio. This is a number in Maths representing aspect ratio or proportional relationship.  The Dandelion – a flower that follows the Fibonacci sequence – is a symbol of beauty and perfection in Nature!

Dandelions are synonymous with ‘wishes that can come true’.

If a Dandelion happens to ‘come into your life’, then you are blessed!

May the classroom where students and teachers spend a considerable part of their lives be blessed!

May we all learn beautiful Maths with love and inspiration!



Репортаж за училище Елисавета Багряна, София